”Design” briefly, means to combine a few or many pieces orderly for a purpose.
Everyone knows the lines on an aspirin tablet that are used if you only want to take half of the tablet. Every product around us definitely has a design although they are not as simple as an Aspirin tablet.
Industrial Design is the whole that consists of an entire industrial product or a piece of it or its various components or features such as the ornaments, lines, shapes, forms, colours, textures, materials on it or flexibility perceived by human senses. The most important factor of a product that leads it to success is the correct design in terms of aesthetics and functionality.
In terms of creation and refinery of the product idea, industrial design is the process in which the product is designed to be useful, desirable for the end user, different, and profitable for the producer. We can state our principles in this process as follows.
• To be the first to put a new product on the market,
• To produce products in a shorter lead time by shortening the design and production process,
• To produce special orders upon customer’s demands,
• To avoid surprises in production by making defect-free designs,
• To make faster production in a shorter period of time,
• To gain competitive power by reducing the costs,
Designing various and remarkable products that lead the market with as design and usage, which makes the end users enjoy to use, functional, aesthetical and producible with many innovative properties, Bayrak Ambalaj has been carrying the excitement of industrial design to new markets by using the experience and knowledge gained since 1990 with its sophisticated technology CNC machines, software and staff of experienced and talented engineers and designers.
Product Development is one of the varieties of Bayrak Ambalaj;
Product Development generally involves reduction of manufacturing costs and production time after the formation of the industrial design of the product and at the same time coming to the production stage by increasing the product quality and completing the required engineering studies. Additionally, it involves in using of the flexibility advantage of computer system, which is a necessity for the current system integration.
We do not find enough to manufacture a good quality product and satisfy the customers with the product or service offered. Because, our competitors may supersede and launch a better, cheaper or more different product to the market. Taking this probability into consideration, we continue our studies in order to develop, differentiate, renew and even transform our product into a new one.
To develop a product is to make the physical structure of the product different from its current appearance and function, reduce its costs and increase its quality.

Development progress includes all design stages (part design, assembling, analysis, optimization, etc.). These modifications may be applied in every step of those processes and then reflect to other manufacturing process.
Product Development process:
• Industrial Design (CAD)
• Virtual Mechanic Design
• Engineering, Analysis and Test (CAE)
• Rapid Modelling
• Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM) of the moulds
• Production
The number of stages in the above-mentioned list may seem to be more in the software medium. The reason is that many problems such as time loss because of the continuous returns with the previous traditional methods of trial-error and problems that increase the costs are now being solved in the software medium. Thus, the facility provided by the technology is better evaluated and its positive effect directly reflects to the production efficiency.
As a result, product development is a process. A project should be prepared in development stage and all other stages of product improvement should be stated in the project. The project specification should be carried out in project logic. This is considerably effective in reducing the lead-time of the product to the markets.
As every product is made for a customer, the customer’s point of view is the key to the design and it requires continuous contact with the customer. Industrial design is a professional activity to create and develop new product ideas that optimize the usefulness, function and appearance of the products by considering the benefits of both the user and the producer.
Written or oral information related to the requested design is asked in advance with the submittal of design request. Our product development process starts after signing of agreement.
The required improvement and intended usage of product, follow up of technological developments and examination of the competitors status are carried out together with the sales, marketing and service analysis with the help of preliminary information related to the design. After these, preliminary cost studies, feasibility studies and patent researches are carried out.

Ergonomics researches are carried out by considering the innovations that the product brings and the advantages that the product provides to the user. 3D CAD models are prepared by reviewing the possible or the required restrictions of the brand. A study for the determination of a main model is made after the presentation of these models.
The ergonomics of the design is reviewed during the detailed design stage. 1/1-scaled model of the product is prepared on computer by reflecting the technical, production and aesthetical expectations to the design. The design of the mechanism of the identically operating parts is detailed. These are the engineering studies carried out to test the prototype and production processes of the design on virtual medium.
Another subject in product development is the reverse engineering concept. Reverse engineering is to examine systematically the competitor’s product sold in the market and is to gain detailed information about the product. Reverse engineering term is negatively affected because of usage of the relevant technologies in order to have illegal copies of the original designs through unfair competition. Today, reverse engineering concept is considered to be an application that is used for the production of new products and the design of the new versions of old products. The term “reverse” used here comes from the duplicity of the data transfer between the digital and physical worlds.
Engineering analysis and tests are carried out for researching and estimating the operation limits of the product in the operating conditions.
Prototyping and prototype product issue also play a significant role in product development. Products as a result of industrial design are modelled in three dimensions on computer and physical and virtual worlds are bound with this method. This is a precise and effective product development stage. Alternative designs can therefore be tested by being created in a shorter period of time. Problems are noticed and removed in the design stage because of fast prototyping and one-to-one sampling.
Once the prototype production method is determined, the required study for the prototype production is made on 3D CAD medium. Mould production starts with the approval of the prototypes.
In order to make this process more efficient and to serve better, our customer can participate interactively in the design stages through internet with the help of the display program, which is temporarily installed to our customer’s computer or follow the design stages from our web site. Thus, the time obstacle of the design stage is avoided.